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 1:18th Die Cast Forum
 Annoyed with Mint Models.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
kosh2258 Posted - 06/26/2024 : 15:29:16
Although a business has the right to conduct business any way they wish, sometimes it gets ridiculous.

I had a preorder in with Mint Models for an item that was offered in 5 colors. 2 of the 5 have come into stock. All listed at $219 plus tax and shipping.

I do a search just to see what others are selling it for and get a hit on eBay. I go there and here is Mint Models selling the same item for $30 less than on their website, with lower shipping charges to boot.

To be generous, that's a really poor way to do business. If they can discount it $30 on eBay they can certainly lower the price on their website to match as well.

Needless to say, I cancelled the order from their website and made the purchase through eBay, saving $21. I'll be thinking twice before I order from them in the future.
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Billy Collins Posted - 06/28/2024 : 11:27:33
When you called in to cancel the original order, did you tell her why you were doing that?

They handle a massive amount of new models. They used to carry more 1:24s than they do now. I've done business with them for years... mainly 1;18s now though.
My only real complaint with them is that they have pre-orders posted 'for years' on their website. It gets silly waiting for something that will never be produced. The mfg. wants a certain number of pre-orders BEFORE they start production. My guess is these are usually the smaller companies.

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