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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Bob Nist Posted - 10/19/2024 : 21:38:02
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Myron Posted - 12/03/2024 : 17:06:59
Good ones.
abaucom21 Posted - 11/29/2024 : 17:14:43
All these are good except for 'J'. 55 mph will never seem reasonable.
Skylark Posted - 11/24/2024 : 02:18:10
55 mph?
Never! lol

But that bottom card applies to me a lot of days!
tcam Posted - 11/23/2024 : 18:45:58
Yup sounds about right to me lol!

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