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 Well I'm happy we got our county back!
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Posted - 11/06/2024 :  10:30:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Billy Collins


Posted - 11/06/2024 :  12:18:59  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Me too.

But, because of all these illegal's' that Binden let in - Trump will have a bigger jog to do. I'm afraid it's going to get ugly in some cities where they've literally teken over areas.

Funny though ... Trump beat a 'lady',, Democratic candidate 'twice'.

We're still going to need a LOT OF PRAYERS.
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Bob Nist


Posted - 11/06/2024 :  16:57:39  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Me too.
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Posted - 11/06/2024 :  19:08:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Getting affordable prices back, to levels they were when Obama initiated the inflation spiral with 0% free money "quantitative easing" policies, is equally important.
Our life savings have been devalued, and must be restored -- so improved purchasing power can drive the economy.

Edited by - Skylark on 11/06/2024 19:10:21
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Posted - 11/29/2024 :  17:08:04  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Good luck. You deserve what you get.
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Bob W


Posted - 12/21/2024 :  14:25:23  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I'm not sure . If big tariffs are applied the tax you will pay on imports will drive the prices up. Remember , if , you put a 25% or 50% tariff on China . You pay the tariff not China .
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Posted - 12/22/2024 :  02:17:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Tariffs are intended to incentivize companies to relocate back to the US. In the short-term, consumers need to wait, not pay the higher prices that come along with tariffs.

I have a friend who works for a local company that assembles small parts that are sold through places like Tractor Supply. His company brought back one whole product line from China a few years back when tariffs were first applied to imports from China. Prices didn't go up on those parts in the process.

Everybody needs to do everything we can to drive prices back to something like pre-Obama levels, to get the US economy going again.

The POTUS-elect has said he wants to see a 50% reduction in energy prices. That should do a lot to reduce all prices, but only if consumers do not go out spending crazy like it's a 2-day sale at Walmart.

Edited by - Skylark on 12/22/2024 02:22:58
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Bob W


Posted - 02/06/2025 :  19:50:11  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by abaucom21

Good luck. You deserve what you get.

I'm not real sure about this .
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Posted - 02/07/2025 :  10:33:10  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Yes, lets see how those affordable prices work out once his tariffs go into effect. Just to start, the US gets from Canada 60% of its oil & 80% of its soft wood. Hope you are not planning on buying a new car or repairing a used car in the next few years. New home construction needs lumber, so lets see how that affects all home prices. So many auto parts are made in Canada, Mexico, China, because they can build cheaper, and those countries are going to bump up their tariffs on US goods as well, reducing US exports. Lets see how much cheaper you can buy electronics.
We live in a global economy and countries depend on each other for many reasons. Current administration wants the US to be a isolationist, lets see how that works out in the long run. Bottom line, we need their stuff more then they need our stuff. Make more stuff in America, yes. But at a lower cost, not going to happen.
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Posted - 02/07/2025 :  23:30:54  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I can agree in part that we are getting nothing but chaos so far from the change in administration, and one of the top 3 or 4 reasons, maybe the top reason actually, that the current administration was elected to address was inflation.

Nothing the new administration is proposing so far will reduce or reverse the inflation that happened under the previous administrations going back to 2008, where "quantitative easing" policy under that 2008 administration re-sparked the inflationary spiral that Reagan had ended in the 1980's and put the US economy on a long range stable path. In fact, the current administration is actually promoting even more inflation with tariffs, which will hit middle income and lower households much much more than it does Bill Gates and Elon Musk.

We in the middle and low income levels spend all our money on necessities, which will include tariff expenses newly baked into almost all prices we pay, while the upper class can never spend all the money they take in and will be paying far less income tax, so the balance of tax payments going into government funding will be much heavier on the middle income households, under the proposed changes by this new administration.

Far too many Americans do not understand all this, and wrongly think they will be better off without income taxes. They won't be.

Alfred, those figures you cited about oil and wood products are false information that is being spread in the press. We get far more oil via the London market that's obviously not being included in those oil percentage figures, and London distributes OPEC oil. I've seen EIA data that proves we are importing more oil from London than we produce from North American wells, meaning Canada can be nowhere near 60%. Lol, it wouldn't surprise me to find that the not-too-intelligent financial press thinks Alaska oil coming down to the US is Canadian oil!! But I know Canada is not 60% of our oil. Wall Street would have gone into a meltdown when the Canadian tariff was announced if 60% was true.

I also know that most oil produced from US wells goes to Europe, it does not go to US refineries. Our oil is not suitable for our refineries, but it is very suitable for the refineries in Europe that produce ocean-going vessel diesel fuel. The tankers taking our oil to Europe return with London-market oil for US refineries. (This may be where the data glitch being incorrectly reported in the press occurs)

The wood importation figure might be closer to fact, but remember there was considerable wildfire losses of wood in Canada the last couple of years.

Edited by - Skylark on 02/08/2025 00:05:00
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Posted - 02/09/2025 :  15:43:55  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Skylark, you make many good points I lived in Canada for 18 years, do my best to fact check. Who believes in "facts" any longer. Canada has enough oil to support all of North America but both Canada and the US does not have the refiners. I do not know about the US but Canada exports the majority of its oil out of North America.
Forest fires sure, but Canada is still the major supplier of lumber in North America.
Bottom line, US, Canada, Mexico have had a free trade agreement in place for decades that makes products affordable. But the new administration wants to raise tariffs, which will raise the price of stuff we buy.
Trump is rich, and all his friends he has appointed to office are rich. They don't care about the price of groceries, autos, or housing.
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Posted - 02/10/2025 :  01:25:16  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
yes, so Canada cannot be 60% of US oil imports if the majority of Canadian oil is exported out of North America. You've supported my point on that. Thank you.

Musk is rich, yes, but I think you will find the financial elites in the US did and still do provide the majority of support for Biden/Harris/Democrats. That's what was behind the green agenda and open border policy. Trump is not running a program for the rich, he is running a program that SOUNDS GOOD to the unintelligent in the US. His words are intended to resonate with that lower level thinking.

On the income tax/tariffs ..... that's really the only plank I see that he directly supports the rich. If Musk wasn't involved, Trump would be stronger against EV's and the green agenda ..... because that vehicle and agenda is too expensive for common people ..... but right now Musk is getting payback for helping finance Trump's campaign. Trump demands loyalty, but he himself is almost totally disloyal to others around him, so Musk might find himself in the same position as Giuliani shortly.

Edited by - Skylark on 02/10/2025 01:30:16
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