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1961 Chevrolet Impala Coupe
Mint: | WCPD |
Year: | 1961 |
Make: | Chevrolet |
Model: | Impala Coupe |
Color: | Ermine White |
Scale: | 1:24 |
Year Released: | 2005 |
Limited to: | 1500 |
Part #: | 61IMPWH |
Issue Price: | $150.00 |
Shipping: | $9.99 |
Reviewed by:
JSS Software Solutions
1961 would be the year that the first true muscle car was introduced, the Chevrolet Impala SS. This would also be the year that Chevrolet introduced its 409 cubic inch V8, the engine that would launch the Big Three auto manufacturers into the horsepower race that would last well into the 1970s.
West Coast Precision Diecast did their homework in recreating the spectacular Chevrolet ’61 Impala Coupe. From the engine to the interior and undercarriage the detail on this replica is outstanding.
Opening the door reveals an outstanding red interior that is chock full of amenities. Some of the items you can’t help admiring are the readable gauges, a tach located on the steering column, a key in the ignition four on the floor and much, much more. Viewing the red bench seat with white inserts will put a smile on your face, as it is spot on to the original. View our images and admire this interior for yourself, it is a firstclass design that won't disappoint; I promise.
Open the trunk to admire the realism in there too. Remember the spatter paint and that annoying well in the trunk? I did and WCPD did too. Also included in the trunk is the spare tire along with jacking instructions on the deck lid. I love the trunk hinges on this model they are as realistic as any I have ever seen and they alone score a five on our rating system.
Last but not least is the engine compartment. WOW! Detail, detail, detail what more can I say. I was very impressed with the detail found under the hood of this model. I love the extra touches like decals on the air cleaner, a coolant tag on the radiator and both cables on the battery. Also, the hood has realistic hinges making this a first class replica worth owning.
Bottom line is this. WCPD has made their presence known in the die cast industry with this their second release the ’61 Chevrolet Impala. Thus proving they are not a one trick pony but a mint to be reckoned with as a serious contender of high quality die cast models.
Our Ranking: