Visit our friends at ''The Philly Mint'' today!

I have to say thank you very much for all your assistance. I can quite safely say that I have never received this level of feedback with respect to a product purchase over the net. Your effort is greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards
Sean O'Carroll

JSS Software Solutions. #1 Diecast Software.

JSS Software Technical Support FAQ's

Product Updates (JSS Downloads)

Below are answers to the most "Frequently Asked Questions", if you don't find a solution to your problem please Contact Us for support.

JSS Software FAQ's
1. My model is not on the list in My Collection now what?
2. I added my Model to Add/Edit Model how do I add a picture?
3. I want to edit my model do I need to open Add/Edit Models move through all the models or can I use the search engine?
4. I received my monthly news letter I executed the monthly update file why can't I locate the models in my database?
5. I want to add my limited edition model number to My Collection. When I try to enter the field nothing happens now what?
6. Why when I click on the X to close a form doesn't it close?
7. Do I need to fill in all the fields on the forms?
8. I received an error message, which told me to report it to JSSSoftware how do I do that?
9. I don't have a picture of my model where can I get one?
10. Can I add new data to the lists since my Mint is not on the list?
11. Can I change the information on any models?
12. I want to install the program on more than one computer, can I?
13. What files should I assure are backed up?
14. If I place this application on more than one computer what files do I need to copy to my other computer to sync my data?
15. How do I close the Help about box?
16. My question is not on the list now what do I do?
17. How do I receive product updates?
18. How do I locate my registration number?
19. Where can I view what your product can/cannot do?
20. I receive the error message invalid date entry, why?
21. I want to update my software but your web site states I must have version 7.0.0 to install the upgrade. How do I know what version I have?
22. My current version is not 7.0.0 can I still upgrade my software?
23. I receive ERROR 2105 when I attempt to delete a model in Add/Edit Model?
24. How do I locate the version number or registration number of my software?
25. I receive Error 2185 when attempting to use the Auction form, how do I fix it?
26. I haven't kept up with placing models into my database is there anyway to bring it up to date?
27. I attempt to post a image in Add/Edit model and I receive Error 2697 how do I fix it and why can't I post my Image?
28. When attempting to download a file from your site it is asking me for a user name and password, why and how do I enter it?
29. I added information to Paperwork in My Collection and I spelled it wrong how do I delete it?
30. How do I repair a misspelled entry in Add/Edit Models for the Mint?
31. How do you calculate profit/loss in My Collection?
32. Why does My Collection have "Read-Only" on the top of the form?
33. I purchased your software from this web site and when I register it I receive another invoice to purchase it why?
34. I am using AOL and I cannot receive my e-Newsletter or send e-mail from this site, what can I do to correct that?
35. I am using version 5 of JSS Diecast, how do I install 'New models automatically?
36. Will my software run on Mircosoft Vista or Windows 7?
37. Where are my files stored on Microsoft Vista?
38. I can't install my Vista monthly update why?
39. Why can't I place a jpg image into Add/Edit models without getting an error?
40. I am an AOL user and I don't receive my monthly e-Newsletter why?
41. I installed the latest version of your software but I don't have any New models showing. Why?

1. My model is not on the list in My Collection now what?
All models need to be first added to our database. To do that you must open Add/Edit Models to add you model to our database before it will be available in the drop down list in My Collection.

2. I added my Model to Add/Edit Model how do I add a picture?
All models were added to our database using JASC Paint Shop Pro. You can use any imaging software, which you are familiar with. First obtain your picture from a scanned image or digital camera. Open it in your imaging software and size it to 290x185 pixels.

If using Jasc software, open your image in Jasc Paint Shop Pro select Image•Resize set the Width to 290 pixels and Height to 185 pixels. Select Save using a name of your choosing saving the image as a jpg in high color.

Once we save the image in Jasc Software select Edit•Copy this will copy the image to the Windows Clipboard. Browse to our software, click in the picture area, of the model we want to add the picture to.Now right click in the picture area, select Paste. You now have a picture for your model.

3. I want to edit my model do I need to open Add/Edit Models move through all the models or can I use the search engine?
Yes, you can use our search engine to locate a model for editing. Simply select how you would like to locate our model by choosing a Find Method * By Mint, Make or Year*. This will open our simple search engine and with a few clicks of the mouse you can open a model for editing.

If the model is currently in My Collection you can also edit it directly from there. Simply select View Me on the Navigation Bar, which in turn opens our Model Viewer now double click on the Model Number on the Model Viewer and presto the model is now opened for editing.

4. I received my monthly news letter I executed the monthly update file why can't I locate the models in my database?
The monthly update does not automatically place the models into our database. Why? Simply because the user could have possibly entered the model into our database prior to the update, which in turn would cause us to either create a double entry or worse yet overwrite a custom picture. We supply the information for models within our database and leave it up to the user to update the database with the supplied information. If the user feels no need to update a particular model within our database then they don't have to. All model information is optional and entirely up to the client to decide if they need to update the information we supply.

So upon executing our January 2003 monthly update file for example we would specify that we will unzip the file into the following directory C:\JSSUpdates\2003\JAN_2003. You should notice we created a subdirectory for the year? This is for the collectors convenience each month will then be placed into the corresponding year so if you would like to review the update you can go back to a particular month and review it.

The unzipped files consist of a ModelsUpdate.txt file. This file contains the current model information and needs to be opened to view the updates/changes to the models within our database. To open the file simply double-click on it and it should open in Notepad? You can now simply do copy and paste between the information supplied in the text file and our database.

5. I want to add my limited edition model number to My Collection. When I try to enter the field nothing happens now what?
The field is locked until you click in the Limited Edition check box located in My Model info. Once you select Limited Edition the field now becomes un-locked allowing you to enter your model personal number.

6. Why when I click on the X to close a form doesn't it close?
Our software is designed to assure all required fields have the necessary data added to them. So we need to control how you exit our forms, which allows us to run code checking for required information. That is why you must use our Exit control to close our form.

7. Do I need to fill in all the fields on the forms?
No, all fields are not required. However, upon exiting our forms if a field is required you will receive a message stating what fields require data. You will not be able to save the current record until those fields receive the required data.

8. I received an error message, which told me to report it to JSSSoftware how do I do that?
Every effort has been made by JSS Software to assure our code runs without incident. However, nobody is perfect so errors do occur. In the event you receive an error message we would appreciate you sending us our error log. This is a file located in the directory in which you installed our application and is called JSSErrors.txt

9. I don't have a picture of my model where can I get one?
We do offer a service to supply pictures of models please contact us concerning prices for individual models. However, you can either scan a picture of your model if you have one or even take a picture of your model then scan and resize it to fit our application. If you like you can send us your custom picture with a self-addressed stamped return envelope and we will make a copy of your picture to fit our application sending it to you via e-mail and sending you your original back in the supplied envelope.

10. Can I add new data to the lists since my Mint is not on the list?
Yes, you can add data to any of our list. You will be presented with a message box stating that the item you have just entered is not on the current list do you want to add it to the list? By choosing yes the item will be added to the list so be sure the spelling is correct since you cannot remove it once it is added. However, we can remove any item for you if you would like to contact us concerning repairing a table within your database at no charge.

11. Can I change the information on any current model?
Yes, you can change any/all model information throughout our application. The only thing you cannot do is delete a model that is being used in 'My Collection' via Add/Edit Models. If you choose to delete a model while you currently are using it in 'My Collection' you will receive a message stating that the model is in use and cannot be deleted until you delete it from 'My Collection'. You must first delete the model from 'My Collection' before it can be deleted from the model database.

12. I want to install the program on more than one computer, can I?
Yes, we have no problem with installing our software on more than one of your personnel computers. As a tip if you copy the following files to the target system you will keep our program in sync on both systems. JSSModels.mdb, Auction_Be.mdb, JSSPurchSold.mdb and DieCastCartbls.mdb. Version 7.0 or greater users need to backup combo_boxes.mdb and user_cboboxes.mdb also.

All three files MUST BE COPIED or possible error messages will be generated along with corrupting our database on the target system.

13. What files should I assure are backed up?
JSSModels.mdb, JSSPurchSold.mdb, Auction_be.mdb and DieCastCartbls.mdb These are the files which store all your personnel information. Version 7.0 or greater users need to backup combo_boxes.mdb and user_cboboxes.mdb also.

We assume you know where these files are located on your operating system and you have the knowledge to copy these files to another location such as an external hard drive or a CD Disk.

14. If I place this application on more than one computer what files do I need to copy to my other computer to sync my data?
See installing our application on more than one computer.

15. How do I close the Help about box?
Simply click in the center of the Help About box and I assure you it closes.

16. My question is not on the list now what do I do?
For any other technical support questions not on our FAQ's please contact us, we will make every effort to try and resolve your problem.

17. How do I receive product updates?
Simply visit our download page to obtain the latest version of our product. This download is an update to our product and requires the full version of either of our products to function.

To receive previous copies of our monthly News Letter or Model Updates please contact us with your request including your registration number. We will be more than happy to send you any previous News Letter/updates via e-mail as long as we receive the required information mentioned above.

18. How do I locate my registration number?
Upon purchasing our software you received a registration number from JSS Software Solutions. If you followed our instructions for placing your registration number into our product your number is stored within our product? Simply open our program select Help•About JSS Die Cast your registration number will be located in the top right hand corner of the screen.

Also, we included the registration number on your invoice which was supplied with our product. Finally if you can't locate your registration number contact us with your name, address etc. and we will supply you with your registration number so long as records indicate that you purchased our product.

19. Where can I view what your product can/cannot do?
Visit our download page to review Our Product overview this pretty much says it all. If you need more information or you still are unsure about ordering our product please contact us for more information.

20. I receive the error message invalid date entry, why?
Our date is stored in the following format mm/dd/yyyy and any other entry will generate a error message. In other words the date 9/2/03 needs to be inputted into our form as 09/02/2003

21. How do I know what version I have?
To determine your version number select Help from the menu bar then choose about. There you will view your name, registration number and version number.

22. I don't have version 7.0.0 can I still upgrade my software?
Yes, you have to contact JSS Software to obtain the upgrade CD, which is $24.95 and includes shipping.

23. I receive ERROR 2105 when I attempt to delete a model in Add/Edit Model?
When you use our search engine to locate a model (Find Model by Make, Year or Mint) this Error appears since you are on a filtered record set. We have repaired this problem with version 4.0.5b you may download the fix from our update page.

24. How do I locate the version number or registration number of my software?
To locate the version number or registration number associated with our software simply select Help located on the menu bar now choose About JSS Die Cast, located on the left side of our logo is your version number top right you will find your registration number (if you registered our software)?

25. I receive Error 2185 when attempting to use the Auction form, how do I fix it?
This error has been addressed in version 4.0.6 of our software please go to our download page to obtain the latest update of our product.

26. I haven't kept up with placing models into my database is there anyway to bring it up to date?
You may purchase the latest model update located on our download page to make your software current.

27. I attempt to post a image in Add/Edit model and I receive Error 2697 how do I fix it and why can't I post my Image?
This is caused because you are attempting to post an image of the wrong file type. Our image object is designed to hold jpg files only we use and recommend JASC Software to accomplish any conversion you may need. They are located on the Web at The error message has been corrected in version 4.0.6b of our software check our download page to assure you are running the latest version.

28. When attempting to download a file from your site it is asking me for a name and password, why and how do I enter it?
It has come to our attention that our model file was being distributed across the web. Since this file is one of the reasons why our customers purchase our e-Newsletter it is not fair that non paying customers can freely download our property meant for our registered users.

Therefore, our registered users receive the name and password required to download our monthly update via our e-Newsletter or by requesting it from support. However, your subscription to JSS Software must be current to qualify for the download at this site. If your subscription has expired simply visit our e-Newsletter to purchase another year of updates.

To download our files enter the supplied user name and password by simply placing the information we supply into the proper fields


the top being the user name while the bottom would be the supplied password, that's all there is to it.

29. I added information to Paperwork in My Collection and I spelled it wrong how do I delete it?
Open My Collection select Edit, choose Repair CBO Paperwork. A table will open allowing you to make the repair or change. Bear in mind ALL changes made here are reflected throughout the entire database.

30. How do I repair a misspelled entry in Add/Edit Models for the Mint?
Click on Edit on the Menu bar select Repair CBO Mint, which will open a form allowing you to correct a spelling error. Any changes to a mint changes ALL models that you that entry.

31. How do you calculate profit/loss in My Collection?
To calculate profit/loss we take the value that you sold your model for, example $100.00. We then subtract the value that you purchased the model for $100 including the freight and taxes paid at the time of purchase for the model, example $75.00 for the car plus $12.00 for shipping and taxes for a total of $87.00 in your model. Therefore your profit/loss on this model is $13.00 profit.

32. Why does My Collection have "Read-Only" on the top of the form?
Upon adding a record to our database and selecting Save we lock our form so no one can accidentally change the data without first selecting Edit from the Navigation Bar, which is located to the right of our form. Therefore if you want to add a memo in the Note tab or make changes to a model you MUST select Edit before you may make changes to the record.

33. I purchased your software from this web site and when I register it I receive another invoice to purchase it why?
From time to time we offer our software as trial ware, which expires in 30 days. Therefore we offer our customers the opportunity to purchase our software before the expiration period. If you purchased your software directly from us or one of our retail outlets you are already in our database and we would never bill you again for a product you already own. On the final registration screen select 'Print' to print out the submit form for your records, you don't need to send the registration to us via e-mail again.

34. I am using AOL and I cannot receive my e-Newsletter or send e-mail from the JSS site, what can I do to correct that?
To allow our e-mail to be received via AOL one must log on to AOL then select "Settings", "Spam Control". Once in Spam Control the user can access AOL's advanced Spam filter. There are four levels of security. Set your spam control to "medium", but you could set it to "Low" or "Off". Medium should work for most users.

Below that control are three other boxes. There is a word and phrase filter where one can block any email containing specific words (such as "mortgages, loans, Viagra, etc.). Turn it "On". However if there are any words or phrases contained in an email that are listed, that email will also be blocked.

Below that is a box labeled "Sender Filter". This is one of the culprits that have been stopping emails from JSS Software. If JSS Software is on that list remove us or better yet turn it "off".

The last box has to do with email content. It blocks pictures, links, url's etc. Turn it "off".

This should enable AOL users to get most, if not all email. If not, one can further reduce the security.

35. I am using version 7 of JSS Diecast, how do I install the autoupdate?
Assure our application is closed. Download our autoupdate, the link is supplied to subscribers of our e-Newsletter save the file to your hard drive. Not sure how to save our file to disk? Click on our autoupdate link in our e-Newsletter you will be prompted to Run*Save*Cancel our file. Choose Save a window will pop up asking you where you want to save our file to your disk. Select Desktop from the save in drop-down list or choose a specific location so you can reuse our file in the future.

Once our download completes move to the location where you saved our file or check your desktop for a file named autoupdate.exe and double-click on it.
Upon double-clicking on the autoupdate.exe you will be asked where you want to unzip our file to. If you installed our program in the default location simply select unzip. Otherwise browse your directories and place our update.mdb into the folder where our application resides. (Default location should work for most users.) If you are not sure where our software is installed you must have used our default location otherwise you would understand what we are asking, select the default unzip and you should be fine.

You will receive a message stating one file was unzipped. Close all open windows then open our application as you normally would. We will install our ‘New Models for you at this time. You will receive a prompt that we are about to install x amount of 'New Models. Select OK, you're done! It's that simple.

36. Will my software run on Mircosoft Vista or Windows 7?
You will need JSS Software Version 7 or Version 8 to run on Microsoft Vista. Microsoft Vista has an entirely 'New directory structure, therefore, the files our software requires to run are not in the location that our software expected them to be in and will crash when you attempt to open it. Our New install script handles this problem allowing our software to function on Vista. You must purchase the upgrade to JSS Software Primo Edition and do a clean install on your Vista system. Once you installed version 7 you may replace your personal files JSSModels.mdb, JSSPurchSold.mdb and DieCastCartbls.mdb, which will bring your data back to its previous state with no lost data.

However, Microsoft Windows 7 is a brand New operating system and for that we redid our runtime to run on the latest OS, and that is version 8 of JSS. Now just to be clear version 7 of JSS Software will run on Windows 7 but it is recommended that you purchase version 8 to be fully supported on this OS. We do offer an upgrade price and your personal files will need to be converted to use version 8, which we will be happy to do at no-charge to you.

37. Where are my files stored on Microsoft Vista?
Microsoft Vista has a 'New and different file structure than previous versions of the operating system, therefore our files are located in a hidden folder named C:\ProgramData\JSS Software\Die Cast Models on a Vista system. Again we have no control over where these files are installed by default on a Vista machine.

38. I can't install my Vista monthly update why?
Microsoft Vista implemented many security features to protect you from yourself and this is one of those implementations where you need to know who you are logged in as. We package our update so a user that is logged into the system can install it. However, if you have your security settings so that only an administrator can install our software you will need to contact us so we can create a admin package for you.

39. Why can't I place a jpg image into Add/Edit models without getting an error?
To best answer this question I will quote Mr. David Brooks from the May 2008 issue of the Shutterbug magazine.

Although JPEG is an international standard file format, the standard allows application programmers, as well as camera makers, to add and modify their implementation of JPEG in the way .JPG files are generated. Every brand exercises a certain amount of programming arrogance, thinking their version of JPEG will be better for the users than someone else's. To some extent those modifications can cause some applications to not recognize and open those .JPG files.

Here at JSS we use Corel Paint Shop Pro XI and it works just fine for us, any 32- Bit Image editing software should work just fine. If using Adobe PhotoShop you must use 32 Bit Mode; 64 Bit will not allow OLE to work with our software. The sizing setting to use are as follows to fit our image Window.

625 Pixels x 415 Pixels 200dpi resolution used in Adobe Fireworks.
310 Pixels x 206 Pixels 100dpi resolution used in Adobe Fireworks.
290 Pixels x 185 Pixels 200dpi resolution used in Corel Paint Shop Pro XI

We recommend the 100dpi to keep the size down when sizing the image.

40. I am an AOL user and I don't receive my monthly e-Newsletter why?
You need to tell the AOL email program to allow us in. Some ISP's block anything that looks like bulk email or spam. Here are the instructions to do just that. AOL Spam Filter Adjustment.

41. I installed the latest version of your software but I don't have any New models showing. Why?
When you un-install our software we don't delete your personal files. Since you can add models to our library Models.mdb is considered a personal file so it will not be deleted nor will it be overwritten when you install our New version. Here is what we suggest you do to assure you have the latest library.

Uninstall the previous version of our software and reboot your machine.
Once up in Windows locate our directory in My Computer and rename it to die cast models Old. On an XP machine that directory would be located in C:\Program Files\JSS Software\Die cast Models and on a Vista Machine it would be located in C:\Programdata\JSS Software\Die Cast Models.
Now install the upgrade and all the models will appear. You can now move your personal files into the New directory just don't move the model library over or you will lose all the New models.

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