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 1955 Chevy Nomad

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
tcam Posted - 10/04/2024 : 19:27:53
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bob Nist Posted - 10/05/2024 : 21:29:58
Not for me.
Skylark Posted - 10/05/2024 : 19:51:19
good, you cleared that up!

(I thought the wheelbase looked a bit off)
Steve K Posted - 10/05/2024 : 14:58:37
Originally posted by tcam

Relax guys lol! Its a 2000 Corvette frame, floor and chassis. All panels are either scratch made or from salvage yard finds has a 454 fuel injected engine under the hood.

You are hereby forgiven-lol!
tcam Posted - 10/05/2024 : 12:24:06
Relax guys lol! Its a 2000 Corvette frame, floor and chassis. All panels are either scratch made or from salvage yard finds has a 454 fuel injected engine under the hood.
Billy Collins Posted - 10/05/2024 : 09:36:02
The front-end is bascally 'stock' and I like the color-combo - otherwise .... no-go.

I know that some mfg's are making steel and-or fiberglass copies of tri-5s. Hopefully, 'that' was the starting point for 'this one'.
Some classics should not be altered to this extent.
jimmcdonald Posted - 10/05/2024 : 08:51:29
I like everything about it, even the tail lights.Shows just how timeless the original concept was.
Skylark Posted - 10/04/2024 : 23:32:54
It's interest work, but I agree, the Nomad was a special edition car from the beginning. I hope Gene is right, that they did this from scratch.
One thing about this custom that confuses me though is the theme looks to be a "sweptback", with smooth/aero-cued appearance, yet the B-pillar and back wraparound glass were left sweeping forward.
Doesn't look bad, just a bit odd at first glance.
Gene Posted - 10/04/2024 : 21:50:53
I agree Steve. That's why I'm thinking this is just some kind of from scratch custom job. If this were done to a real Nomad, it's sacrilegious. Maybe it could have been a basket case build. T, any details.

Originally posted by Steve K

I hate everything about it! Some cars shouldn’t be tampered with, and the ‘55-‘57 Nomads are in that category, IMO !

Gene Posted - 10/04/2024 : 20:53:33
I'm guessing this isn't a real Nomad. At least I hope not.
Steve K Posted - 10/04/2024 : 20:48:43
I hate everything about it! Some cars shouldn’t be tampered with, and the ‘55-‘57 Nomads are in that category, IMO !
Gene Posted - 10/04/2024 : 19:57:11
I love everything about it except the tail light design.

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