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 My thoughts on classics to remain unmodified…

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Steve K Posted - 10/05/2024 : 15:07:00
‘55-‘57 Nomads
‘’55-‘57 Safaris
‘63-‘65 Rivieras
‘56 -‘57 Continentals
‘56 Lincoln
All Packards
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
jimmcdonald Posted - 10/06/2024 : 11:43:20
I was curious about the production numbers on the above mentioned cars, so I checked online. Disclaimer: I cannot guaranty the numbers. I did double check numbers when possible.

63-65 Riviera 112,544
55-57 Nomad 22,000
55-57 Safari 9,000
56-57 Continental 4660
56 Lincoln 52,872
53 Skylark 1960
53 Fiesta 458
53 Eldorado 532
52 Crestliner 77320
53 Crestliner 128302
54 Skyliner 13346
54 Victoria 95464
tcam Posted - 10/06/2024 : 09:32:04
I agree some what but being a Hot Rodder/Street Fodder all my life I have seen some hulks saved over the years and turned in to useable and beautiful drivers jmo
Gene Posted - 10/06/2024 : 09:11:56
I couldn't agree more on all of those.
Skylark Posted - 10/05/2024 : 20:01:57
'53 Skylarks, Fiestas, and Eldorados
'52-'54 Crestlines and Sun Valleys
Letter series early Chrysler 300's
late '50's D-500 Dodges

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