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 A Sport Coupe You May Never Heard Of

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Skylark Posted - 10/06/2024 : 04:21:41
I know our JSS group is not really a foreign car crowd, but how about a hybrid?

..... this car was built by an Italian-American Company, headed by an Italian who immigrated his business to America after WW2, and it used a 327 V8 Corvette engine,
because he didn't have the money to design/build his own engine. (kinda sounds like the Studebaker Avanti story, in a way)
Twice the price of a Corvette, and half the price of a comparable Maserati, it sold only 800 units from 1962-1970.

Personally, even if I had the money, I would never buy the 1:1 car, but I can't help admiring some of the Euro companies' designs.

1962 Iso-Rivolta IR-300 (and in later years, renamed IR-340 with a higher HP Corvette motor)

Before moving his company upscale, they built microcars like this Iso Isetta 250 immediately after WW2.
Later, they licensed this design to BMW, who sold it as a BMW-Isetta. The partnership was profitable for both companies, and the Italian (Mr. Rivolta) decided to go up-market.

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Myron Posted - 10/06/2024 : 16:52:00
I love the dash.
Steve K Posted - 10/06/2024 : 09:51:49
That's a gorgeous car, inside and out!!!
tcam Posted - 10/06/2024 : 09:48:36
I love the interior and the front is nice but don't care for the rear.
Gene Posted - 10/06/2024 : 09:00:17
I agree with Ted.
kosh2258 Posted - 10/06/2024 : 07:03:37
I've heard the name before, but don't recall seeing any in pictures. A nice-looking car. It resembles a BMW 3.0 CSL.

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