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 I've got the "beastly" blues.

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gene Posted - 11/29/2024 : 10:36:03

5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Skylark Posted - 11/29/2024 : 20:09:51
Nice models, Geno. The blues are growing on people!

I still don't think the Corvette looks like a Corvette though, tbh. Saw a blue one in a Red Lobster parking lot recently that had chrome wheels. It improved the looks so much.
But still, it looked more like an Italian brand to me.
Gene Posted - 11/29/2024 : 20:04:35
It took me a bit to adjust to the new Vette. But I love it now. It's a world stage supercar now.
Bob Nist Posted - 11/29/2024 : 16:47:00
I like the Mustang but have mixed feelings about the Corvette.
tcam Posted - 11/29/2024 : 13:11:55
I like the Mustang but I'm not to thrilled with this Vette body style.
Billy Collins Posted - 11/29/2024 : 11:02:44
Very sharp / great pics.

The C8 has grown on me. I've got a 1:24 / black - forgot which 'year'.
Speaking of 'year' - can anybody tell the difference in 'year' at a glance? I can't.
And... speaking of 'black' ... this is a great 'blue'. But the car 'might' look a lot better with some chrome / polished wheels.
... just my '2 cents'.

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