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 A thought to people in LA

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
abaucom21 Posted - 01/10/2025 : 14:40:11
Watching the news is breaking my heart. It's not about just watching some of the most beautiful landscape and property destroyed, its about what can never be replaced. I think of the animals that died horrific deaths. Not just pets but the wildlife.
One news video the commentator said they heard a cat meowing under a burned out car. Did they rescue the cat, I do not know.
I have heard people say, its just rich people. It is not just rich people that have lost everything. Working class people lost homes, memories, just like the super rich. I am shocked to learn that 1000's had their fire insurance cancelled this last year.
Untold 1000s of natural wildlife and domestic pets have died, terrible deaths. That is what breaks my heart.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
tcam Posted - 01/11/2025 : 11:14:09
Its a terrible situation and very heartbreaking to watch on TV. And the fact that their saying there maybe arsonests that started some or all of these fires makes it even more heartbreaking!
Gene Posted - 01/10/2025 : 17:05:49
Amen, prayers to all. I did see also a man with no legs in a wheelchair and his disabled son died waiting for an ambulance that couldn't get to them. It is heartbreaking.
Mark S Posted - 01/10/2025 : 15:10:33
Yes, it is heartbreaking.

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