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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chet Posted - 01/16/2025 : 21:35:06
First, raise your hand if you’ve had a knee replaced. I’m having my first tomorrow. Looking forward to a pain-free joint!

Back to cars… I sold my collection of 1:24 and 1:25 Chevys about 7 or 8 years ago to help pay for my 1:1 car hobby. Still working on my 1:1 2007 Mustang, a lowly V6 painted like a Shelby. (The paint job writes checks that the engine can’t cash.)

But now I’m getting back into collecting some 1:24 vintage NASCAR (1970’s) and Chevys again. So far, my acquisitions include (all coupes)…

1958 DM Impala, blue (might paint the top white)
1959 DM Impala, coral
1960 DM Impala, beige over copper
1961 CMW Impala, aqua (tho I may get a WCPD eventually)
1962 WCPD Impala, burgundy
1964 WCPD Impala, desert beige

Have the 1969 Automodello Kingwood Estate too.

Enjoying this hobby again!
8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Skylark Posted - 01/21/2025 : 19:35:18
Good to hear it was a success, Chet.
Happy collecting to you, too!
Steve K Posted - 01/17/2025 : 21:56:04
I got the gel shots for two years but then were no longer effective.
Chet Posted - 01/17/2025 : 18:04:42
Thanks for the well wishes. Surgery went well and no pain to speak of… yet.
I got knee shots for years, but they just quitting working last year.
Mark S Posted - 01/17/2025 : 14:08:51
Chet and Steve, let us know how it goes. I've needed a knee replacement for years but have procrastinated and I get periodic gel injections. Sometimes they work great, some not so much. I'm hoping to hear some success stories.
Steve K Posted - 01/17/2025 : 11:08:27
March 20 I get a new knee.
Gene Posted - 01/17/2025 : 09:03:05
Hi Chet, no knee replacement, but I did have knee surgery to repair torn cartilage that was causing me a lot of pain. It's way better now. Good luck with collecting again. Sounds like you have a good start.
tcam Posted - 01/16/2025 : 23:30:35
No knees for me yet either but glad your back and enjoying the hobby Chet! Good luck with your operation hope it goes well and your recovery is quick!
Bob Nist Posted - 01/16/2025 : 22:06:28
No knee replacement but welcome back to the hobby.

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