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 White Box 1956 Bel Air

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Chet Posted - 02/11/2025 : 14:21:22
Just received this today. Very nice image for <$50. Painted trim. The steering wheel is loose and rattling around in this one. Will have to see if I can get inside to fix it. I’m happy with it.

We had this exact car when I was growing up. The bottom pic shows yours truly at about age 7 “helping” to wash it in the alley next to our house. I’m about to get in trouble for spraying my oldest sister (in the frame) with the water hose. She got her revenge later by hitting a parked car in a parking lot, causing me to slide off the seat and hit my head on the dashboard.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Doug Ford Posted - 02/12/2025 : 19:14:01
I have the turquoise and white one. Yes, these are extremely accurate. Definitely worth the money. And in my opinion, they look far more accurate than filament or Danbury models although not as detailed of course but what do you want for 50 bucks or less?
tcam Posted - 02/12/2025 : 10:42:23
Nice looming image Chet for that money!
Skylark Posted - 02/12/2025 : 01:33:22
That really looks accurate, Chet.
Way better than I saw from FM or DM.
Billy Collins Posted - 02/11/2025 : 22:46:35
Purdy dang sharp.
We were talking about these about a year ago. I got side-tracked with family issues and never got back to there. Need to re-think getting one of these.
Steve K Posted - 02/11/2025 : 15:42:00
Looks good!
Gene Posted - 02/11/2025 : 15:29:54
I agree Chet. These are amazing for the price. Just take the screws out of the bottom. These are really easy to work on. I've taken a couple of these apart for detailing.

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