“A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow.”
-William Shakespeare
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Doug Ford
Posted - 02/12/2025 : 19:07:36 By Jumajo, 1/24 scale 1965 Mustang convertible in white with red interior. Again, the proportions, stance, accuracy, are spot on. The chrome trim is painted on except for the hubcaps grill bumpers and the usual parts. Again, it’s a static model, nothing opens, but it’s very very well done. I got mine for about $24 with shipping. Totally worth it. It looks much better than a Franklin or Danbury model on the shelf in my opinion. I don’t post pictures on here because I don’t have photo bucket anymore, but you guys can look it up on the Internet. They’re nice. I am on Facebook and I’m a member of a couple of diecast model groups if you guys are on Facebook, you can check it out or find me.
4 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Doug Ford
Posted - 02/13/2025 : 21:11:24 I have it, I just don’t know how to post pictures anymore
Posted - 02/13/2025 : 06:57:18 Sorry Doug, it's on my to purchase list, I just haven't gotten it yet.
Doug Ford
Posted - 02/12/2025 : 21:14:01 Do you have the Red 65 Ford galaxy sedan? If not, does anybody have it to post pictures of it?
Posted - 02/12/2025 : 19:54:41 I agree Doug, it is super nice. Here's the picture of mine. I also have the black European spec convertible.I also got both from Jumajo. Excellent seller and super reasonable.