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 I've Got the Blues CX

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Skylark Posted - 02/18/2025 : 22:30:53
1967 Mercury Cougar

Below here, in a turquoise, is the car with white top and interior:

Bonus car for those who may not prefer white top:

And in another blue, this one with no vinyl or 2-tone painted top:

8   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Bob Nist Posted - 02/19/2025 : 21:42:05
Give me the second one, in 1/1 and 1/24. In 1968 not too long before I went into the army our neighbor across the street bought a new Cougar. After showing it to my father and me he asked if I wanted to drive it but told me I had to stay in the neighborhood. I drove to the top of the street and parked in my friend's driveway. After talking to him and his mother for a few minutes I asked them to come outside. I showed them the new Cougar my father bought for me since I was going into the army. After a few minutes I told them the truth.
Mark S Posted - 02/19/2025 : 13:59:28
The first generation Cougars were just beautiful.
Skylark Posted - 02/19/2025 : 11:05:02
Originally posted by Billy Collins

Very sharp.
Personally, I could live without the vinyl-tops.
But... 'yes'... I'd have done it in 1:24.

I think the one with white top is painted white, not vinyl.
tcam Posted - 02/19/2025 : 10:07:29
Nice Cougars like the last one best.
Billy Collins Posted - 02/19/2025 : 09:45:53
Very sharp.
Personally, I could live without the vinyl-tops.
But... 'yes'... I'd have done it in 1:24.
Steve K Posted - 02/19/2025 : 09:20:42
Originally posted by Gene

Man, those are sweet. It's a shame we didn't get any Cougars in 1/24.

kosh2258 Posted - 02/19/2025 : 07:44:37
The first generation of the Cougar remains the best one. All these are great examples.
Gene Posted - 02/19/2025 : 06:46:49
Man, those are sweet. It's a shame we didn't get any Cougars in 1/24.

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