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 1:24th Die Cast Forum
 03/10 - If DM made it, would you have bought?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Steve K Posted - 03/10/2025 : 09:28:47

'61 Mercury Comet
11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Myron Posted - 03/12/2025 : 10:01:10
jms601 Posted - 03/12/2025 : 09:39:30
No. Prefer the Falcon from that period
Bob Nist Posted - 03/10/2025 : 21:40:00
Gene Posted - 03/10/2025 : 17:46:33
I absolutely would.
Chet Posted - 03/10/2025 : 17:45:42
Yes, it was to be an Edsel
Chet Posted - 03/10/2025 : 17:42:09
Am I wrong in remembering that this was originally going to be an Edsel model?
Mark S Posted - 03/10/2025 : 17:06:50
Since I have the Goldvarg 1/43 models I'd pass.
LouBeau Posted - 03/10/2025 : 10:26:46
Yes, cute car.
kosh2258 Posted - 03/10/2025 : 09:57:44
Billy Collins Posted - 03/10/2025 : 09:50:02
Yes ... sentimental reasons.

A cousin down in Arkansas had one of these sitting in the weeds in his backyard. I begged him to get busy... get it out of those weeds. Either 'sell it' or 'restore it'. His was a 2-door as well.
He sold it.
tcam Posted - 03/10/2025 : 09:46:14
Yes I'm intrigued by the taillights.

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